Tuesday, July 29, 2008

only 4 days, 3 nights left

so it's true...we have 4 days and 3 nights left here in Brant Rock. We signed our lease today for our new place in Quincy. very exciting. We have the keys and will be moving our stuff on Saturday...we've rented a UHaul, enlisted the help of some great friends and loving family, and are doing the packing now.
Tomorrow I intend to do most of the kitchen, a big chunk of upstairs and then well, we'll be just about ready to go. We've packed a lot of stuff all ready but it's hard because we still need to live here for the next few days so a lot of the stuff we're not sure about packing...but i figure a few things will just be tossed in bags/boxes last minute. It's not like we're moving it 1,000 miles, we're moving it approximately 17 miles, so if things aren't packed 100% perfectly, I won't be too upset - as long as things don't break...i'll be fine.
Another good thing with this move is that we don't have any furniture for Baby G yet. If we did, it'd be ALL bad. that would be WAY too much stuff to move, which is weird to think about because next time we do move, we will have a child and all his or her stuff to move as well. Though I also hope that next time we move we are going to be going somewhere that we are buying...not renting.
Anyway - it's an exciting and rather messy time here in Brant Rock...but I wouldn't want it any other way!

1 comment:

Sara said...

i wish you the best of luck with this move & wish i was closer to come by & carry a few for you, but instead i'll just be thinking of you from other side of the pond & wondering how it's all going, so be sure to put up some photos!