Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How old is three really?

Lately I have been thinking about all of the things my daughter can do.  She gets herself dressed sometimes, will try to help me cook things, use a measuring cup (not accurately), has been practicing writing her name.  She can tell you what street she lives on, what town she lives in, the number of her house.  She knows her colors, shapes, days of the week, months of the's amazing how her little brain can absorb so many things.  I am really blessed to have such an inquisitive and intelligent little girl. 
Sometimes I wonder if it's because we treat her like a little 3 year old adult.  We don't talk to her like she's a baby.  We encourage her to explore and create and figure things out.  She's at that stage where I am encouraging  her to use her words more and whine less.  She is turning into an independent little lady.  I love it and I sometimes worry that her growth and childhood will be rushed.  I love that she is so independent, but I don't want her to become a big girl too quick. 
I always ask her if she can stay small forever...and she says "no mamma, I have to get big so that I can cook dinner for you." 

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