Saturday, January 10, 2009

oh sweet addiction

it's true, i have joined the ranks of those addicted to the Twilight Saga. i had no desire to read the books initally, then one day, while at Target, i casually picked up a copy of the first book, Twilight and brought it home with the intention of getting to it at some point.
i put it on my bedside table and left it there, days went by and i hadn't even opened the cover. i'd been busy with life. i'm a new mom, a relatively new wife and i was preparing to go back to work so i didn't have much time to really dedicate to reading...then it happened...Olivia went to bed one night at 9pm.

i had a few moments to myself so i decided to treat myself to a book. i climbed into my bed picked up the book and thus began my addiction. the first night i read about 50 pages before going to sleep...from there, i was hooked. i read the first book in 2 days and immediately went out to buy the rest of the Saga. i needed to finish the books, I had to know what was going to happen to Bella and Edward, to Alice, Jacob, was like i was living it, like i was in their world.

there is something charming and romantic about a human girl falling in love with a vampire. perhaps it's the idea of wanting something so badly, so passionately that you are willing to risk anything and everything to get it. the idea of finding a love that is so perfect, so overwhelming and so dangerous is appealing to anyone who has ever been in love or wants to be in love.

it's been a long time since i've been so wrapped up in a fictional story. the last time this happened was in 2003 in San Jose. I was reading a book of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald and one story stuck with me for weeks. i was impressed with the plot and it really had an effect on me. That story - "Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

Clearly I have very good taste in fiction!


CrazyMom said...

That's it... I think I'm gonna have to get the first book as well jsut to see what this is all about.. All I hear is Bella this, Edward that... LOL Glad you enjoy it tho...

Sara said...

I cannot lie, I've not read the book but saw the movie & was SUPER disappointed!

Colleen said...

You should watch the True Blood series on HBO. I haven't read (or seen) the Twilight books/movie but I am addicted to True Blood- another vampire/human relationship series!!!!