Monday, April 8, 2013

"this too shall pass..."

Once, a very wise woman said to her daughter "this too shall pass..." she didn't pen it, but she used this quote on more than one occasion to express the fact that regardless of how hard or challenging a time in your life was, that it too would eventually be over.

Over the course of my life, I've thought of this simple, yet rather true and powerful statement.  Regardless of the situation, the moment will pass.  It's the fleeting and glorious truth of human life.  There aren't many constants in our lives - we age, our children grow up, our parents and grandparents will die, people will move away, relationships will start and end and ultimately everything that challenges us or excites us will pass. 

The wild part about this thinking is that it's simple and true.  All that is challenging, all that is beautiful in my life will eventually pass.  I will be left alone to contemplate where I am with my life and my challenges and triumphs.

The world is always full of challenges and triumphs.  It is full of trials, victories and questions - but ultimately - all will pass and we will be left to work it through.  Either way, it will all will pass and all that remains will be what is meant to be.

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