Saturday, August 9, 2008

almost there...

so i'm finally in the home stretch of my pregnancy...31 weeks, 1 day today! it's exciting cause i'm ready to be done with the pregnancy honestly...

- i'm getting tired again, sort of like the first trimester, but now i'm bigger so it's harder to get comfy to take naps!

- the baby keeps kicking me and flipping all over the place...granted, that's what we want, it's just giving me heartburn and indigestion so it's not all that fun!

- i have cankles on the really humid days, which if anything is funny, and sort of annoying but it does limit what shoes i can really wear so that keeps me from being very fashionable.

but truthfully overall it's not THAT bad...the small annoyances will be worth it in about 2 months when Dave and I get to embark on our next journey - parenthood!
i am excited and scared to be a parent...being that i have no clue what babies need or what they do...but i know that i'll learn, and i have a lot of moms around me (including my mom, grammy, and aunts) who i can call and ask questions at any time! at this point i am just hoping that we can afford it we are getting closer i know i can figure out the baby care, but the finances are starting to freak me out a bit. it's amazing how expensive babies are...and knowing that we only have 2 months left until the baby comes (possibly earlier - but hopefully not too much earlier) we are really going to have to tighten the belt around the home...which stinks, but we need to get used to the idea that we can't be going out to dinner or spending recklessly...having a child is going to change the financial picture a lot, but we are going to be ok!
Good Thing I buy the cheap shampoo! lol!


Sara said...

cheap shampoo & eating at home doesn't sound all that bad to me, especially once baby G arrives, i can't wait to see/meet him/her!!!
lots of love from l'town, xx

Fabián Fucci said...

So beautiful a pic! :-)